Friday, September 3, 2010

Time to get up and running! Lets do this!

I am very excited that I have decided to actually start my own style blog. After having a strong passion and instinct for style, I feel that I finally have the confidence and the skills to put them to great use in the Twin Cities area. My wonderful husband, Matt, has been the one that has been giving me gentle nudges for a few months now to take my desire to get into the fashion and styling world, believe in myself, network and put my money where my mouth is.
So, this blog will probably be totally scatter brained for a while as I get my feet wet. I am also pregnant with our first child (yay! we are so grateful and excited!), so my brain is a bit all over the place anyway.  I hope to include street style, my own styling jobs, and inspiration that I find from fabulous designers, stylists and others around me that are inspiring.
Welcome to Style By Faith!


  1. BOOYAH! Pretty thrilled to call you a friend, I won't lie. Can't wait for next Sunday when I can officially sing your praises to the world and show them PHOTOS.

  2. oh my gosh! Pregnant! Congratulations lady! Love the blog - you have great style so I'll just refer to this to keep in touch with everything going on. :)

  3. Congratulations!! on the baby and the blog!! Very excited for you!
